Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
The Mark Leveridge February 2017 Podcast
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
This month I discuss the following topics:
- Reflections on the January 2017 Session Convention in London
- Jamie Raven scores well with some radio magic and gives us all something to learn from the way he did it
- how ill do you have to be before you will consider backing out of a show booking?
- teaching total beginners magic skills in the MLM Academy makes me realise how basic the initial information may need to be
- a magic conundrum for commercial close uppers at dinners is revealed
- when is the right time to put up your show fees?
Sunday Jan 01, 2017
The Mark Leveridge January 2017 Podcast
Sunday Jan 01, 2017
Sunday Jan 01, 2017
Start the new year with the following podcast topics:
- Being a performer means we work when others aren't and prevents us from enjoying our own social lives
- having the confidence to change your performing environment can be important to the success of your show
- I reflect on the number of magical podcasts that are now available
- where will the hand crafted wooden magic props come from in the future?
- sometimes we can be unaware of how loud our music or voice amp needs to be
- audio books provide an interesting way to learn
- are the days of the general theatrical agent numbered as the internet provides bookers with all the info they need?
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
The Mark Leveridge December 2016 Podcast
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
The festive Podcast features discussion on the following topics:
- I reflect that this completes exactly 4 years of the Podcast
- December's shows put a strain on us and our props in a way that virtually no other month usually does
- having used PR earlier this year, I consider whether it is a good way to handle self promotion
- Deciding How Long To Perform For - listen for free to this marketed Mark's Monthly Message Audio File
- I ponder on how it can take a long time often to become an 'overnight' success
- what's the ideal time to arrive at a gig?
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
The Mark Leveridge November 2016 Podcast
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
The November bag of topics includes:
- Email or 'phone - which is your preferred method to receive show enquiries? I look at the pros and cons of both
- I ponder on whether the very young and very old get a disproportionate amount of credit for the magic that they do
- life on the road - I get a glimpse of what real itinerant performers have to cope with
- MLM will be turning completely digital next year
- the importance of video on magic websites cannot be underestimated
- Dominic Reyes extols the virtues of correct methods of practice and I discuss why he's right to do so
Saturday Oct 01, 2016
The Mark Leveridge October 2016 Podcast
Saturday Oct 01, 2016
Saturday Oct 01, 2016
Your October fest of comment and chat this month covers the following:
- The Cumbrian Conjurers Collective meets again
- a month proves a long time in magic for Stan Allen and Magic Magazine
- barking up the wrong tree? - I discuss the merits or otherwise of an online magic 'agency'
- putting new magic into your act may be nerve wracking sometimes but is it also hugely beneficial?
- I consider whether live over-the-counter product dems have much importance in this online age
- how to decide which group or table to approach first at a gig
- observations on how exhibitors interract with potential customers at a wedding fair
Thursday Sep 01, 2016
The Mark Leveridge September 2016 Podcast
Thursday Sep 01, 2016
Thursday Sep 01, 2016
The new magic season podcast contains the following:
- Reflections on the new magic season
- magicians tend to try to do everything in their magic lives rather than getting professionals to help with key areas of promotion and advertising
- the end of Magic Magazine causes shock waves
- what is your USP that will help you to get a good conversion rate of enquiries to bookings?
- Dynamo's transition from the small TV screen to big arenas
- I offer a sample recording of one of my It Could Only Happen Live stories
- news of the release of a further six Audio File Downloads
Monday Aug 01, 2016
The Mark Leveridge August 2016 Podcast
Monday Aug 01, 2016
Monday Aug 01, 2016
This is what you can expect in the August edition...
- Why we should all embrace the age we are and concentrate some of our marketing directly on those bookers who are attracted to performers of our particular age
- how I have continued to cope with being a Jeremy Corbyn lookalike
- I discuss a new event aimed at those who want to learn how to get to grips with marketing themselves
- Public Domain - how do you define which tricks fall into this category and who makes the decision about it in the first place?
- some Mark's Monthly Messages are now being made available as downloadable audio files
- constant performance makes everything the performer does so slick that the way the magician handles his props can be as appealing as the magic itself
- a lay person asks me why there aren't more women in magic
Friday Jul 01, 2016
The Mark Leveridge July 2016 Podcast
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Friday Jul 01, 2016
In July I am looking at the following topics:
- I consider the luck involved in getting show bookings and how it is hard to predict when they will come along
- here's a theory for why Richard Jones came first on BGT, and Jamie Raven only achieved a second place
- being a creature of habit helps me to achieve long running features for magicians
- I ask the question of whether, if the fee was right, you would take on any type of show?
- crowdfunding - the future of magic project capitalisation?
- sometimes we need perhaps to put the brakes on when performing to avoid putting our foot in it!
- necessity is the mother of invention, especially for creative magicians
Wednesday Jun 01, 2016
The Mark Leveridge June 2016 Podcast
Wednesday Jun 01, 2016
Wednesday Jun 01, 2016
Here's what you'll find in the June offering:
- I look back at my recent tour of the USA and reflect on what it was like
- do you tend to get more shows at a distance from where you live rather than very locally, and if so, why do think that is?
- I talk about a brand new release that I am excited about
- I look at why pro performers are often so slick in the way that they perform
- the problems that summer heat or general weather conditions can cause for you and your props
- how we can harness lay people's perception of our magic to our benefit
- exactly what is it that makes comedy funny? - I discuss the factors that need to come together for comedy to work
Sunday May 01, 2016
The Mark Leveridge May 2016 Podcast
Sunday May 01, 2016
Sunday May 01, 2016
This month I have put together a 'gold' version of the Podcast in which I have collected together a selection of extracts from Podcasts that have been published over the last year or so. This is your chance to catch some of the discussions which you may have missed.....
- how to get cost effective Public Liability Insurance and why you may need it
- some of your spectators may suffer from Rhabdophobia - do you know what this is?
- where have all the dedicated magic book suppliers gone?
- how to turn business cards you collect into a truly valuable resource
- do less magicians buy at conventions because they are buying all the time online?
- having a sense of your own performance value helps when quoting show fees