Sunday May 31, 2020
The Mark Leveridge June 2020 Podcast
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
These are the topics we get stuck into this time:
- The British Ring online 'Nonvention' seeks to fill the gap left by the cancellation of their regular event
- I reflect on Lance Burton's assertion that performing is like Groundhog Day - you keep repeating the same act until you get it perfect
- redundant phrases and useless messages - a round up of my 'favourites'
- will you be fooled by The Tube Of Wonder?
- blogs are good to do as long as you know who you are writing for
- the question is not whether a printed book is better than a digital one, surely it's the quality of the content that counts
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
The Mark Leveridge May 2020 Podcast
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
'May' I interest you in the following topics?
- Magic steps up and produces a number of projects to keep magicians in lockdown interested
- taking away the 'parachute' helps to raise levels of perseverance for pro magicians
- formulating a sort of magic risk assessment can help in dealing with performance glitches
- learning how to control all aspects of your performance life can pay big dividends
- Richard Young's Magicians' Podcast and Dynamo's Beyond Belief provide some welcome magical distraction
- creativity is better when it is driven by plot more than method
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
The Mark Leveridge April 2020 Podcast
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Here's a run down of the subjects for April
- What the coronavirus means to us magicians
- do table hopping magicians always have the right to interrupt people and insist that they watch some magic?
- Tony Middleton suggests how you can get a hotel residency, and I wonder whether this is good practice for all entertainers
- we need to lead bookers to the right type of booking conditions, not just accept what they think that they want
- I announce a new Video E-Book Release featuring coins and purses
- there is no substitute for the live performance as a means to refine new magic
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
The Mark Leveridge March 2020 Podcast
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
The discussion topics for March are:
- The pressure of walking around the Blackpool dealers' halls
- I reflect on Simon Caine's assertion that mind readers shouldn't make predictions
- has the CineMental trailer set a new standard for online video dems?
- E-Club Pro is in its 10th year and is a formidable online magic resource
- I present an argument that magic exposure is not only necessary, but is in any case an outmoded concept that's not worth worrying about
- going 'old school' and dealing with all show enquiries by telephone might be an advantage
Friday Jan 31, 2020
The Mark Leveridge February 2020 Podcast
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Here is the February line up of topics:
- Reflections on the Session 2020 and anticipating the Blackpool Convention
- how to avoid spectators challenging you when you perform
- are you guilty of using redundant phrases, words or patter in your act?
- a discussion on crediting ideas properly and thoughts on Andi Gladwin's 'open source' concept applied to magic
- Magicseen sets off on its 16th year of publication and goes from strength to strength
- taking a step back to evaluate your act or technique can be very beneficial
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
The Mark Leveridge January 2020 Podcast
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Your New Year podcast line up covers the following topics:
- I chat about what makes December a unique month for shows
- Ian Brennan learns a lesson regarding lecturing for young magicians which raises some interesting points
- if all magic can be categorised as a puzzle, or as a trick, or as an extraordinary moment, as suggested by Ken Weber in Maximum Entertainment, then should we all be working towards more extraordinary moments?
- let's make 2020 the year in which we commit to supporting a live magic event
- adopting strategies to help with remembering trick sequences gets more important as you get older
- since most modern marketed magic comes with little or no props of any quality or note, what are magic collectors going to be seeking out in a hundred years time?
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
The Mark Leveridge December 2019 Podcast
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Your festive selection of magic topics for this time are:
- The changing nature of magic conventions means that the most successful and sustainable events are those which are focused in terms of their theme or content
- how do you decide how many tricks to carry when performing strolling magic?
- audio books are a great learning tool for those who say they don't read books any more
- a good performing style or personality can help dictate the type of magic you choose for your act
- the decline of general theatrical agents has removed a quality control mechanism
- manage your bookers' expectations if you want to avoid them being disappointed with you
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
The Mark Leveridge November 2019 Podcast
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Plenty of fireworks in the November Podcast line up:
- the dilemma that mentalists face when seeking to make their shows entertaining to the lay public
- organising your performance workspace can be key to putting on a good show
- the brand new E-Club Pro Live lecture for 2020/21 is ready to book
- it's surprising how hackneyed the responses can be to magic and magicians
- David Regal claims that there is a need to fail in order to achieve great things, but is this universally true?
- a New Release is announced of a classic effect for stand up or for a close up show
- your magic bookshelf can reveal a lot about your magic pathway
Monday Sep 30, 2019
The Mark Leveridge October 2019 Podcast
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Sit back and relax while listening to the following topics:
- magical chat in different environments keeps things fresh for the four of us in the CCC
- if magic takes place in the minds of the spectators, does it mean there's no magic when no one is watching?
- a month into the life of the new MLM website it seems to be finding favour with many customers
- three types of magical exposure are considered
- how to free up time to be consistently magically creative
- I break patter down into half a dozen different types
- does the 'magician in trouble, then comes good' plot still have any relevance?
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
The Mark Leveridge September 2019 Podcast
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
The September line up of podcast topics is as follows:
- Tommy Cooper provides a great definition of the difference between pro and amateur magicians
- examples of how magic leaves a uniquely long lasting impression with spectators
- the Real Magic Roadshow is coming to a town near you
- charity and awards night dinners create special circumstances for table hopping magicians
- themed costumes are usually impractical and a total liability for us
- should on stage helpers be required to stand or sit during their time with you?